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ATO certification
Internationally approved and recognised training


Astonfly has the Approved Training Organisation (ATO) certification.
This approval, referenced FR.ATO.0036, is issued by the Direction Générale de l’Aviation Civile (DGAC), according to the European EASA regulations. This certificate guarantees a wide range of teaching skills, from leisure pilot training to airline pilot training.

Guarantee of safety, satisfaction and quality of training

This A.T.O. certification (Approved Training Organisation) is only obtained by a training centre once the latter has, amongst other things, demonstrated to the authority:

  1. The teaching know-how of its instructors (recruitment selection, maintenance of competence, experience),
  2. The proper functioning of its organisational system (administrative),
  3. The implementation of an airworthiness follow-up approval for each aircraft (maintenance),
  4. The implementation of an efficient quality assurance system with the appointment of a Quality Manager,
  5. The standardisation of the training courses taught by each instructor and supervised by a Chief Instructor,
  6. The monitoring of the educational progress of each student by a Training Manager selected by the Civil Aviation Authority based on their experience.