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Qualiopi certified Airline pilot school
Quality certification seal for professional training providers

Qualiopi certified Airline pilot school

Article 6 of Law No. 2018-771 of 5 September 2018 for the freedom to choose one’s professional future provides for an obligation for organisations carrying out actions contributing to the development of skills to be certified by a third-party body on the basis of a single national reference framework if they wish to benefit from public or mutualised funds (financing by a skills operator, by the commission mentioned in Article L. 6323-17-6, by the State, by the regions, by the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, by Pôle emploi or by Agefiph).

Guarantee of safety, satisfaction and quality of training

Qualiopi certification aims to attest to the quality of the process implemented by providers of actions contributing to the development of skills. It is only obtained by a training centre once it has demonstrated, among other things 7 quality criteria to the authority:

  1. Conditions for informing the public about the services offered, the time limits for accessing them and the results obtained,
  2. Precise identification of the objectives of the services offered and the adaptation of these services to the beneficiaries,
  3. Adaptation of the services and the reception, support, monitoring and evaluation methods implemented to the beneficiaries,
  4. Adequacy of the pedagogical, technical and supervisory resources for the services provided,
  5. Qualification and development of the knowledge and skills of the employees responsible for implementing the services,
  6. Registration and investment of the provider in his professional environment,
  7. Collecting and taking into account the feedback and complaints from stakeholders on the services provided.